
目前顯示的是 11月, 2012的文章

胡譯 ﹣Psalm 4

For the music director, to be accompanied by stringed instruments; a psalm of David. 4:1 When I call out, answer me, O God who vindicates me! 當我呼求你時,請回答我, 喔,證明我為義的主啊! Though I am hemmed in, you will lead me into a wide, open place. 雖然我四面遭圍,你郤會引領我到開闊安穩的地方。 Have mercy on me and respond to my prayer! 請你以憐憫待我,並且回應我向你所做的禱告! 4:2 You men, how long will you try to turn my honor into shame? 你們眾人啊,你們打算花多少時間在試著把我的榮耀變為恥辱這件事情上? How long will you love what is worthless and search for what is deceptive? (Selah) 你們還想用多少時間,繼續去愛那些沒有益處的事情,並且追求那些虛假的東西? 4:3 Realize that the Lord shows the godly special favor; the Lord responds when I cry out to him. 要明白主會對愛主的人表現特別的疼愛; 當我對主呼喊時,主會回應我。 4:4 Tremble with fear and do not sin! Meditate as you lie in bed, and repent of your ways! (Selah) 你們要在恐懼中顫抖,要止住犯罪的念頭! 當你們躺在床上時,要靜靜地思考這一切,並且悔改你們的行事為人! 4:5 Offer the prescribed sacrifices and trust in the Lord! 要獻上主所指示的祭物,並且把一切交託給主! 4:6 Many say, “Who can show us anything good?” Smile upon us, ...

胡譯 ﹣Psalm 3

Psalm 3 A psalm of David, written when he fled from his son Absalom. 一首大衛的詩,寫於他逃離他的兒子押沙龍的追拿時。 3:1 Lord, how numerous are my enemies! Many attack me. 主啊,我的敵人是那麼地多!許多人起來攻擊我。 3:2 Many say about me, “God will not deliver him.” (Selah) 許多人談起我,他們說:神決不會拯救他。 3:3 But you, Lord, are a shield that protects me; you are my glory and the one who restores me. 但是你,我的主,是保護我生命的盾牌; 你是我的榮耀,也是救起我的人。 3:4 To the Lord I cried out, and he answered me from his holy hill. (Selah) 我對主大聲呼喊,而祂在祂的聖山上回答我。 3:5 I rested and slept; I awoke, for the Lord protects me. 因為有主保護我,我可以休息、安睡,並平安地醒來。 3:6 I am not afraid of the multitude of people who attack me from all directions. 我不懼怕從四面八方上來攻擊我的眾多敵人。 3:7 Rise up, Lord! 主啊,站起來吧! Deliver me, my God! 我的主啊,拯救我吧! Yes, you will strike all my enemies on the jaw; 是的,你一定會擊打我所有的敵人的顎; you will break the teeth of the wicked. 你一定會打碎那些驕傲、不相信神的邪惡者的牙。 3:8 The Lord delivers; 主必拯救; you show favor to your people. (Selah) 你向你的人民彰顯對他們的...

胡譯 ﹣Psalm 2

2:1 Why do the nations rebel? Why are the countries devising plots that will fail? 為什麼列國圖謀叛逆? 為什麼眾多國家計劃必定失敗的事? 2:2 The kings of the earth form a united front; the rulers collaborate against the Lord and his anointed king. 世上的國王們組成合一的戰線; 統治者們一塊合作來抵擋主和祂所膏立的君王。 2:3 They say, “Let’s tear off the shackles they’ve put on us! Let’s free ourselves from14 their ropes!” 他們說,讓我們掙脫以色列的神和以色列的王所加在我們身上的枷鎖 2:4 The one enthroned in heaven laughs in disgust; the Lord taunts them. 在天上掌權的神聽到這些,輕蔑地笑了; 萬民的主奚笑說這些話的人們。 2:5 Then he angrily speaks to them and terrifies them in his rage, saying, 主在怒氣中對他們說話,在烈怒中驚嚇他們,主這麼說: 2:6 “I myself have installed my king on Zion, my holy hill.” 在錫安山,我的聖山上,我親自立定我所揀選的王。 2:7 The king says, “I will announce the Lord’s decree. He said to me: ‘You are my son! This very day I have become your father! 而主所立的王對眾民說:我要宣揚主的命令、法律。主曾對我說:”你是我的兒子,在今日,我要作你的父親!“ 2:8 Ask me,and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your personal...

胡譯 ﹣Psalm 1

1:1 How blessed is the one who does not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand in the pathway with sinners, or sit in the assembly of scoffers! 不聽從內心邪惡的人的勸告,不與犯罪作惡的人同行,不與好譏諷嘲笑的人同伙的人是多麼被神所祝福啊! 1:2 Instead he finds pleasure in obeying the Lord’s commands; he meditates on his commands day and night. 他在遵守神的各項命令中找著快樂,他不分日夜,默想神的命令。 1:3 He is like a tree planted by flowing streams; it yields its fruit at the proper time, and its leaves never fall off. He succeeds in everything he attempts. 他好像是一棵被栽種在流水旁的樹,在適當的時節結果子,樹上的葉子也永遠不會掉落,在他所嚐試的每一件事上都得到成功。 1:4 Not so with the wicked! Instead they are like wind-driven chaff. 但邪惡的人郤不是這樣!他們像是被風吹動的麥殼。 1:5 For this reason the wicked cannot withstand judgment, nor can sinners join the assembly of the godly. 因為如此,邪惡的人在神的審判席前站立不住,罪人也不得參與屬神的人的聚會。 1:6 Certainly the Lord guards the way of the godly, but the way of the wicked ends in destruction. 無疑地,神會保守屬神的人所行經的道路,但是邪惡的人所行的必定會通往滅亡。


花了點時間 整理出這六年裡,銀行帳戶裡每個月的進項與結餘 這就是我們的家戶總所得啊! 每年的一、二月會有個peak 代表那些年是有些年終獎金的 不論怎麼個上下跳動 整體來說:少收的沒有缺、多收的也沒有餘 要能存到錢 要嘛是個人薪資非常高 要嘛是能作為一個“雙薪家庭” 之前 “頂客族“(DINK:Double Income , no Kids)是個蠻流行的名詞 兩份薪水、沒有小孩(理論上,沒有什麼家累)應該是可以有不少積蓄存下來 我們呢 是個“錫克族”(SITK:Single Income, Two Kids) 每月把錢用得光光的,自然不在話下囉 再加上房貸 又可以再發明個新名詞:錫克洞人(SITKWHL:Single Income, Two Kids,with House Loan,WHL怎麼發音沒人知道吧?我姑且唸成近似 Hole 的音) 錫克洞人,應該可以比美於“山頂洞人” 是人類史上的新人種啊


什麼是QE 3 ? 老美說的QE 3 指的是:A third round of quantitative easing。 文縐縐的翻譯成量化寬鬆 講白話 就是讓巿場上資金充裕、有足夠的量的流動 我家平常就接近是月光族了(有部系列電影:月光光、心慌慌,名字多貼切啊!) 沒錢,還要花錢 不也是在搞個人版的量化寬鬆嗎? 為了兩個小朋友讀書、寫功課有個合適的空間 (之前是擠在餐桌邊,還拿個延長線接枱燈) 向親友借貸了一小筆錢 找來之前認識的木工師傅 把書房重新裝潢了一下 用了三個工作天 昨天剛完工 看起來不錯哦~ 讓網路上不小心經過的大家瞧一下: 最內側作成電腦鍵盤拉板,為了還在使用中的eMac ....